How to keep your iPhone from repeatedly dropping Wi-Fi network connections

Click HERE for tips on keeping your iphone connected to home WiFi

Click HERE for tips on keeping your ANDROID phone working with WiFi Calling.


Weak WiFi in your Home? Consider a MESH network to improve your internet WiFi.

Read this BLOG for more information. Contact us if you would like one set up in your home. 

I'm using TONS of Data...How? Why?
First::  Make sure you are CONNECTED to Home and work WiFi.  An obvious, but  important tip: 
Second:    See Which Apps Are Using the Most Data
If you’re using an iPhone, open the Settings app and head to the Cellular section. Scroll down, and you’ll see a list of apps under the Cellular Data heading, in order from heaviest to lightest data usage. Under each app, you’ll see how much data it has used in the “current period.”
Third:   If you see a large amount of data under the Wi-Fi Assist option on this page, you may want to turn it off. It is deswigned to help with weak wifi.  It can cause problems sometimes.